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You may also like to consider the following which may be located nearby: |
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221 Esplanade Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 Scallop Pot Restaurant at RSL - Excellent Selection of Local Seafood and Fine Wines. Bistro Meals Lunch & Dinner 7 Days. Group Bookings Catered For. Specialising In Bus Tours. |
| Albert & Co. Coffee-Food-Catering |
201 Esplanade Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 Fresh, local seafood and produce.
Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch and Dinner (check dinner days and times)
Cocktail Bar.
Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm every day.
Full conference and event facilities.
Open 7 days. |
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27 Scriveners Road Kalimna West (Lakes Entrance) VIC 3909 Drop in for morning tea, lunch or just a yarn over a cup of tea or coffee.
Stroll through the Aboriginal Art Gallery and take in the quiet, natural surrounds just 10 minute drive from Lakes Entrance at Forestec |
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The ever popular McDonalds Restaurant on the Esplanade Lakes Entrance.
Open 7 days a week early for breakfast until late. |
| Wyanga Park Winery Henry's Cafe |
246 Baades Road Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 Established 1970, family owned and operated Winery and Restaurant situated on the North Arm, 10km from Lakes Entrance.
Enjoy casual, honest, heart warming, comfort food in a relaxed, rustic, bush setting. Perfect for lazy lunches or cheeky afternoon wines with tasty apertizers. Open fire in winter. Wine tasting 7 days 9am to 5pm.
The ideal venue for your special occasion |
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Middle Boat Harbour Lakes Entrance VIC 3909 Our menu at Sodafish will highlight the freshest wild and substainable fish, oysters and shellfish and celebrate local producers throughout the seasons.
Our vision is to celebrate good times in a casual dining offer that captures the family’s love of food & wine sourced from Lakes Entrance’s doorstep. |