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You may also like to consider the following which may be located nearby: |
| Phillip Island Bowls Club |
Dunsmore Road Cowes VIC 3922 Visiting beautiful Phillip Island for a few days or maybe a longer period, don’t forget to bring your bowls and enjoy the facilities and friendship our club has to offer.
2 good synthetic greens means that bowling is a year round pastime and even if you don't have time for a game or a rollup, call in for a quiet drink with like minded people.
Clubhouse (03) 5952 2337 |
| Aussie Golf Ranch 9 Hole - Phillip Island |
627a Settlement Road Cowes VIC 3922 Australia's Finest Short Game Facility Located On A Private Beach. Championship Par 3 Golf Course.
2 Club Pitch and Putt Course. Extensive Practice Greens.
Studio Style Accommodation. |